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Re: OpenVR Steam Games 
Autor: ivonkstronji91
Datum: 19.04.22 09:02

The HTC Vive headset's can be adjusted to fit customer IPDs across a broad range of values. That being said, we have tested with IPDs that are 5mm off, and things still look good. There will be a bit of softer focus on the extreme edge of the image on one side, but the lenses will still produce a clear image with rock solid geometry (no warping).

In our demo setups we usually set the IPD near the median IPD ~64mm and use that IPD for everyone who gets a demo. The difference in performance is not dramatic, but if you know what to look for you can see a slight difference. Even an IPD offset of 8-10mm still looks quite good.

What you will see if the lens is not centered is an increase in stray light. The worst case scenario is looking at white text on a dark background. In that case, you will see stray light halos in the dark area around the white text. In games without sharp contrast boundaries the stray light will be difficult to see.
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 ThemaViews  AutorDatum
OpenVR Steam Games916Souffleurlos12.07.21 17:23
Re: OpenVR Steam Games356ivonkstronji9119.04.22 09:02

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